Photo-a-day of Our 2nd Miracle of Adoption

July 28, 2012



She loves to be in this swing.
Every time we use it we think of our friend Jessie that bought it for Isaac.
And, we thank GOD for her (and how many screaming moments she’s helped sooth without even being there.)

Thanks, Jess!

March 4, 2012


We got great news today (actually last week, but it was confirmed today).
Little Eloise will be joining the craziness of our home tomorrow.
So, sleep up little girl.
You have no idea what’s in store.

While we’re thrilled to be ending this part of her journey, we’re also a little sad.
We’ve come to recognize the nurses in the hospital as important parts of our lives.
They’ve been our family over the last 3 weeks.
But, more than that we’ve built friendships.

There’s a little girl in the pod behind Ella’s who has been there since the beginning of December.
Her family has been through the ringer, yet every day we see them come into the hospital they’re as resilient as ever.
And they know they still have a long road ahead of them.
But, beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel is a true answer to prayer.
They truly are a testament to the strength that GOD gives.
We’ll miss seeing them as frequently, but we’ll still get to spend time with them as we’ve built a bond there too…
And, we can’t wait for the future play dates with both of our little girls.

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes so far.
Please continue pray for us as we bring Ella home.
Please pray for Ella that she’ll continue to grow (she’s still only 4lbs 2.5oz).
Please pray for our friends and their daughter.

Here’s to new beginnings.
