In June of 2008 we were informed that due to issues on both sides of the plate (pitching & catching), short of a miracle of Biblical proportions, we would not be able to have biological children. Knowing that we both desired to be parents, we quickly turned our attention to adoption.
Fast forward to May 6, 2009. Our son Isaac was born. We tracked alongside his birth parents for the last few months of the pregnancy.
After roughly 18 months, we decided that we had it all figured out and decided to adopt again. We were to become, as Bill Cosby calls it, “real parents” moving from a zone defense to a man-to-man.
15 months passed while we waited.
Then on February 12, 2012 our little Eloise was born.
On February 14, we received a call telling us that we were being shown as potential adoptive parents to Eloise.
On February 16 just before 1pm we got a call inviting us to come meet our daughter for the first time.
This hasn’t been our plan. But, we’re finding GOD’s plan to be so much bigger, and so much better than ours ever could have been.
This is my second 365.
This is Ella’s first year.