Photo-a-day of Our 2nd Miracle of Adoption

March 9, 2012


Ella slept better on Angie’s dad’s chest as he snored than she has just about any other time to date. Must have been in good rhythm… which he will tell you he does not have.

March 8, 2012

DAY 22//

Angie’s dad came down to meet Ella today. I’m sure missing Mom didn’t hurt coming down either!

March 7, 2012

DAY 21

You’d never know it to look at these pics, but Ella is not a sound sleeper. She makes all kinds of noises… unless, you’re holding her on her belly. I know, all the doctors say that you shouldn’t lay a baby down on their belly, but for the 20 minutes she laid like this today, it was the most peaceful she’s been. We think she’s a little “backed up” (if you know what I mean) and laying like this always helps me work things out…so why wouldn’t it work for her?